Broccoli Ultimate

20 December 2005

Baby Brocs

07 December 2005

Most Spirited Man in the World?

A debate has erupted in relation to the Spirit of the Game of Alan William Murray (pictued inset), over the duration of his ultimate career to date. As MSP on the Ireland Open team at WUGC 2004, Mr. Murray had staked a claim to the would-be Individual World title. While teammates insisted that Spirit is a team-deep aspect, Murray insisted that he carried the team in relation to Spirit throughout the tournament and almost single handedly won the award for his team.

Murray has been known to show discs to opponents on scoring points against them, shout "Mismatch" when being marked by any short-statured beginner and call "Pick" on at least 3 occasions per point when struggling to stay with the pace of the game. Murray has admitted that in silent votes for MSP at tournaments, he always writes with his left hand and votes for himself.
It is hoped that Murray's position on the Clapham squad (EUCC 2005 Winners and Spirit Winners) will result in a change of his attitude.

*Alan William Murray is regulated by the Irish Financial Services Regulatory Authority and is a tied agent of HRH Queen Elizabeth II
Terms and Conditions apply. This article contains some mistruths and may contain arsenic.

Running Amok

In a day where not an umbrella in Dublin made it home intact, the Brocs braved the elements and ran their little veggie hearts out in UCD tonight. A "fartlek" interval session was the order of the evening. Vomit inducing it was, but those who sow, reap and the Broc are promising a strong crop this year. Eoin, Fiona, Shifty and Rob stuck it to the man, opting to sprint clockwise, so they could run into the gale force wind down the home straight on each lap. Raarrgggh! Easy tiger.

In other developments, rumour has it BB MacJB has laid down the gauntlet to his Broc teammates. Some sort of financial wager is thought to be involved. Stay tuned to your TV's for more on this story. You heard it here first!