Broccoli Ultimate

03 January 2006

Green Tie Ball 2005

After an amazingly enjoyable start to our first season, we decided it was appropriate to celebrate!! A dinner party was the agreed format. Fiona's house was the agreed venue. "Green Tie" was the slighlty excitable dress code.

Mark prepared a delicious Broccoli Chicken Bake, not forgetting a veggie version for the devout Broc lovers amongst us. Despite the fact that the cuisine was good enough to be served in a lavish restaurant, it goes without saying that the food was not the focus of our quasi-dinner party! After countless "salt-tequila-broccoli" slammers we gathered ourselves around the table. A food fight quickly ensued, initiated by the lovely hostess herself!

As far as can be recalled, the party continued into the wee hours, with craic agus ceol a-plenty.

The photos tell their own tale, (click here).