Broccoli Ultimate

12 February 2007

Awards Wars

Somewhere between the blur that was dinner and the launching of water balloons came a brief and amusing Awards ceremony on Saturday night. Here's how it panned out:

Biggest Judas
An impressive list with Marko, Britboy, Stokesy and Dman on it. There was only one winner though and it fell to the ex-Clapham man, Brian MacDevitt!

Best Captain
Despite being a Judas, being asked to be a Captain by the man who runs the team and a strong challenge from both Rob and Luan it was Mark Earley who stole the bragging rights, although general opinion would suggest the gentelman in the below photo would do a better job.

Messiest Moment
For some reason Luan (being the bright spark behind these Awards) decided to to put only Marko, Fi and Rob forward for this title. Perhaps he was a little shy. Either way, Fi won hands down for her ability to vomit in handbags and shared dorms alike.

Best Item of Broc Costume
Another win for Fishbox, her tighty green leggings and red hair won her this Award, beating Luans MultiFace, Langer's amusing accent, JD's haircut and Rob's new shoes (literally).