The second Saturday of September saw 7 teams and over 50 players converge on the lovely pitches of Santry for a day of Ultimate with a twist. 'September Savage 7s' was the brainchild of Dominick Smyth, who's tireless promotion of the sport aound the country has been a noticeable feature of the last year or two. He was looking to get a simple, no frills day of play organised to get people out running and having a laugh, and that's exactly what happened. 50min games, 15mins breaks and the odd bye. Easy!
Despite an early morning start of 9.30am, ridiculously hot weather and the lack of subs, all players (young and old) made it through the day in one piece, even Shimbo. On top of that, all teams had a lot of fun with close results, tight battles, the odd landslide and a competitive final. Big congratulations to Johnny Chimpo who took home yet another domestic title, to 'Mostly Trinity' who won Spirit with one of the most friendly and competitive attitudes I've ever seen on a pitch and to Dave 'Pooper' McAlester whose jokes kept many of us amused (once Perfect translated them into English, naturally). A lesson in GUTS was dealt out by Perfect and Begsy and a few spectators showed up to, with Si and kids making it a real family day out!

From our point of view, the day was a success. We got to get out and play together for the first time in a long while (Limerick??). We got to blood 3 new players, each of whom played solidly and with confidence. We got to try a few new things on O and concentrate on working together as a unit on D. We learnt a lot in the Final and enjoyed every game.
Our results were:
vs Jabba 1: 13-3
vs Mostly Trinity: 13-1
vs UCD&Binge: 12-3
vs Chimpo: 7-12
The full results are as follows:
1. Johnny Chimpo
2. Broccoli
3. UCDoubleBinge
4. The Bears
5. The Huck
6. Jabba
7. Mostly Trinity
Spirit of the Game: Mostly Trinity.
The Broccoli team was: Marko, Oisin, Dangerous Dave, Tall Paul, Darron, Langball & Petie.

MVP - Oisin
MSP - Darron
Finally, without the work of Sam Mehigan, who provided us with pitches, and Dominick Smyth, who organised the schedule and got teams out on the day, we wouldnt have had the fun day we did. Thanks a lot lads, much appreciated, especially given neither of them could take part!