Broccoli Ultimate

23 October 2008

Second Friendly Loss

Sunday last saw two large squads turn out for the second Broccoli vs Chimpo friendly of the season. We trained beforehand, working on a zone given the ridiculpus wind. 6 new trial players came out too and coupled with a decent showing from the current squad we had around 16 present - enough for two lines a few extras.

The game began wih a time out, much to our surprise, but then burst into lif with the first point throwing up a few turns and lots of hard running. the Chimps scored it and then came out in a zone. This was to be a feature of both teams D (or a poachy number) given the windy weather on the day. We traded until 2s maybe then a few unforced errors let JC get away a little. There were tunrs in every point, both from the weather and decent Ds but only one team was converting them. Chimpo took half 9-4.

The second half continued in the same vein with Broccoli unable to get out of a rut of drops and throwing errors. With the Chimps growing in confidence and our heads dropping the scoreboard kept ticking over until it was 17-6.

A disappointing day to say the least but, as friendlies are meant to, it proved we have a lot to work on and with the numbers continuing to be high it showed we have the player pool to do so.

Next stop: Cork Open.