Broccoli Ultimate

27 January 2009

Joint Training

In a bid to pool numbers Broccoli and Johnny Chimpo have decided to train together for a few sessions. The first such training took place last Sunday in Herbert Park and saw 28 players partake in a gruelling 2 hour affair that was well received across the board. We will be doing this again next weekend so keep Sunday morning free.

See you then,

22 January 2009

Trinity Table Quiz

So, in two weeks time we get to test our brains against the cream of Irish Ultimate. If you feel you can hack it, sign up for a place on the Broccoli team.

Here's the details:

Trinity Table Quiz
MacTurcails on February 3rd at 7:30pm
€3 pints

Get involved.

15 January 2009

Pre-Pick Up Skills Clinics

Just a quick note to say that as mentioned on emails recently the IFDA Coaching staff are running free clinics on various different skills that we might be familiar with but don't have mastered. There's a full list of what's being covered on the IFDA website in the Coaching section.

See you there!

14 January 2009

Discs have arrived!

Broccoli's first ever club disc has arrived and is on sale now. Get yours from me in person or email me on earley.mark(AT) and I'll try to get it to you.

Broccoli team member: €10
Everyone else: €12
Buy 5 or more: €10


13 January 2009

The season ahead

So after a long discussion about where we'd play, what our aims are and what we want from the season we decided on the following:

The Seige of Limerick (February 14/15) -

Tour Zero (April 25/26) -

Toms Tourney
(May 1/2/3) -

Windmill Windup (June 12/13/14) -

Given this is quite a short, but intense, season we are looking into a couple of more relaxed options in the summer and in the autumn. I'll keep you posted.


Broccoli Committee 2008-2009

After the meeting 2 months back the following club members were voted on to the first Broccoli Ultimate club Committee. As the club grows it's important to have a clear structure and to have basic roles and tasked shared amongst many opposed to dealt with by few.

Chairperson: Mark Earley
Secretary: Mark Canning
Treasurer: Robin Giller
P.R.O.: Luan McKenna
Childrens Officer: Sinéad O'Shiel-Flemming
Webmaster: Peter Forde

Congratulations to those voted in and here's to a big year ahead.

It's been a while...

Well! Since November there's been a lot on everyone's plate, from Christmas dinner to exams and skiing/snowboarding trips (with or without broken legs). I guess the most important thing, club-wise, was the team meeting we had in late November when we elected a committee and planned the season ahead. More details about to follow.

In December we held the inaugral Bubblegum Club Hat Tournament in Herbie which saw 70 or more come out on a frosty day and play. It was a huge success, earning over €900 for the charity and suppying 60 people with lovely white t-shirts with our logo on the back. McCloskeys showed their usual generosity and we had guest appearances from both Al and Fi! The night out that followed was impressively wild with many storiesto be told. Photos of the days play are here:

January sees the beginning of the New Year (surprisingly enough) and with it a packed calendar of fitness, training, tournaments and much, much more. Keep an eye on this blog and on the soon(ish)-to-be-launched website for more news.